VAT Exemption Information
Many of the incontinence products on this website are eligible for VAT exemption so long as they are purchased for personal use or for use by a registered charity. A few of the other items that are specific disability aids may also be eligible. Products are marked by their manufacturers as VAT exempt where applicable, Incontinence Advisors at Vivactive are required to follow their guidelines. You can see if a product is suitable for VAT exemption as they will be marked with a VAT exempt icon as per the example below. If you're still unsure ask the customer service team on 0800 046 1501.
You will not be eligible for VAT relief if you intend to use the goods for commercial or institutional use for example within a care home or clinic. Prices on products eligible for VAT exemption are listed as ex. VAT only. Items not included under the rules above will be shown with both inc. VAT or ex. VAT prices.
Due to changes in VAT exemption laws incontinence products such as pads, pants, bed pads & urinals are only eligible for VAT exemption under a certain quantity without being required to ask you to complete a VAT exemption declaration form. The exemption form is a legal document where you state that you are eligible for VAT exemption on the eligible products. You will be asked to complete the form if you exceed the limits described. For your convenience, this will be a simple form during the normal checkout.
How To Claim
Products which are VAT exempt are clearly marked on the website as such. If these products are in your basket then the checkout will automatically direct you to the VAT Declaration form if required. The Declaration form will require the name and address of the user of the products. Charities will be required to provide their charity number. If you need any help during the checkout or would like further clarification please call the customer service team on 0800 046 1501.
Completing The VAT Declaration
You are required to be certain of your own VAT relief eligibility, any inaccuracies are your own responsibility. It's important to remember that if you're purchasing these products for someone else that their name (i.e. the name of the user) and details (i.e the address of the user) are entered into the declaration form. Please ensure that you are certain that the product user is eligible for VAT exemption.
Important Information You Need To Know
You must be certain of VAT Exemption eligibility before completing the form. If the end user suffers from long-term medical impairment or has recently suffered serious injury or an operation then it is very likely you will be eligible. You do not need to be registered as disabled in order to qualify.
If you are uncertain as to the users' eligibility please contact your GP, Incontinence Nurse or other appropriate medical professional. If you require further clarification you can contact your local tax office.
Be aware that Section 39.2 of the VAT Act (1983) provides for severe penalties for making use of a knowingly false document for the purposes of obtaining VAT relief.
The VAT declaration form will only be retained for presentation the VAT office only. The information will never be used for any other purposes including but not limited to marketing or identification.